War at Home 

a gallery album exhibition

Life in general, has no meaning.

The world in which we live is constantly beset by all manner of horrendous events, and we exist with the ravages of war and natural disasters all around us. When confronted by the fact of children dying in the turmoil of war, there is no way one can go on about the meaning of life. In other words, there is no meaning in using generalizations to talk about life. 

But being confronted by such incomprehensible tragedies without taking any action is tantamount to affirming them. Regardless of the circumstances, we must take some form of action.

-Alfred Adler

War at Home is a Gallery Album curated to comment on modern warfare and how it is destroying our collective humanity. In this exhibition, the gallery is the album and each piece becomes a track - The album is entitled War at Home. Each track/piece reflects a different “state of a war” such as fiscal diplomacy, freedom, borders, and the flow of information. Featuring works by Christina Joseph, Arzo, and Young, War at Home is a collection of art composed at a time where the world is facing the reality of a War at Home. 

War at Home was produced by 'Black by Young' and hosted by 33.G in Las Vegas, NV. (April 2024)


UNMASKED by Mario Lorne


BLACK KINGS Exhibition, August - October 2023